Matthew Ward began his civil engineering career in 2006 and has been a licensed Professional Civil Engineer since 2009. Matthew has a wide range of civil engineering experience including residential, commercial, roadway, bridge and floodplain management. Matthew has personally delivered over 100 projects throughout California as a project manager.
In addition to being a licensed Professional Civil Engineer, Matthew formerly held licenses as a Certified Floodplain Manager, Water Distribution Operator, Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Developer, ACI Certified Field-Testing Technician and Technical Services Provider for the Natural Resources Conservation Services. Prior to founding Ward Engineering, Matthew served as a Transportation Engineer at Caltrans, an Engineer for the Flood Management Division at San Joaquin County Public Works, and an Associate Engineer for several private firms.
Matthew founded Ward Engineering, LLC in 2016 with the vision of creating a civil engineering company where quality engineering solutions know no limits. Establishing client satisfaction as the top priority, Matthew set out to re-engineer the traditionally accepted 9-to-5 office model and replace it with a client-centered model that affords employees and clients a more flexible and rewarding work experience.
Matthew resides in Galt, California with his wife and three boys. He is a graduate of Galt High School and the University of the Pacific where he received a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in Civil Engineering. Outside of work, Matthew enjoys attending his boys’ sporting events, training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and poker games with friends.
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Ward Engineering LLC 2025